Mashup text
First perspectives+draft environment(with filefront link)
Second perspectives
Draft elevator
36 Textures
Second draft environment(with filefront link)
Tips for unreal Ed(have a look if you're stuck at your last minute work!)
Additional skills needed in this map:
Double jump(pressing jump twice, obviously)
The Use key('E' button)

The main theme of this environment is contrast. You can first see it by the messy lower office for Zhang Yin and neat upper space for donatella Versace.

The lower space is based on the word 'progression', which reflects the hard time Zhang Yin has when she builds her business from nothing to the top.

There seems to be an only path(which lead to nowhere), but there's actually another path(i steep stair which needs double jumping) that leads to the upper office, expressing that hard work is needed to get to the top. I also put a portal below the gaps so if you fall off, you can respawn back to the starting point, because its really annoying when you die immediately when you fall. You will still get hurt when you fall from higher places though.

The upper office is rather bright and flat, showing that you are in a better condition.

Once you get on the elevator, you need to press 'E'(use button) to activate the elevator. The journey through the elevator is a rather long and bumpy ride, with obstacles that may block your way.

The meeting space shows how the two female successors in two quite opposite era of business are joined together.

The dining table is made out of two tables moving up and joining together, showing how they are relying on each other. I first made a trigger in each entrance to toggle each table separately, but as there's only one person in the map, I made both triggers activating the two table in the same time.

The upper elevator moves slowly, expressing how Versace likes to 'show off'. She can stand on the elevator and let photographers take her pictures :)
I didn't meant to make the elevator like a hanger, but it comes like that so I added the rails.

The upper office is made of glass which shows how Versace likes to expose herself to the world, saying "I'm the queen of fashion!!"

The inner dark spheres reflects that even a successful person could still have some secrets that
doesn't want to speak to others. For Versace, its probably the sadness of her brothers death.

The poles that connect the office and the bridge is made not only to support the office, but the bridge itself as well. The office is supported by the poles, where it also avoids the bridge from collapsing. It is like how you operate a company. You cannot support a company yourself. The workers also need to support the company as well.
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